Saturday, January 24, 2015

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

"When we put people in boxes where they can only be one or another, we miss the opportunity to see people as diverse as they are."

Thinking about this quote, I think that this is very true. Each person has multiple personality traits, characteristics and tendencies that make up who they are, no matter if it fits into one specific reference frame or another. I do not think that anyone can necessarily put one person into category A or category B. Yes, I agree that we all have inherent personalities that overshadow other aspects of ourselves, but saying that people can only be in this category or that category based one traits x,y, and z, is something I do not agree with.

Doing so personally makes me feel like I am in a prison--that I am confined to only certain characteristics because I am who I am. I believe that every individual is unique in their own way with characteristics that cover the entire spectrum. I personally feel like I am this way. As an introvert, there are definitely times where I feel physically drained and overwhelmed with certain situations, and I am not one to necessarily become exhilarated by interaction with others. However, this does not necessarily mean that I do not have instances in time or certain characteristics that display the tendencies of an extrovert. Overall, I believe that people are too diverse to be forced into categories that they may not necessarily embody entirely.

In my opinion, all of the MBTI characteristics are looked at fairly equally. While many accept that there are great differences between the different MBTI traits, when creating an effective and cohesive team, choosing people from people with all characteristics on the MBTI. Virtually all people with an array of MBTI characteristics are valued in some way and all have their certain strengths and weaknesses that balance out each other. 

In the perfect society, one would believe that society would accept and value diverse people that do not fit into any category or type. However, in some instances, there are times where I feel that society values the more charismatic and logical thinkers. These are people who are extremely personable and are able to make clear cut decisions without letting feelings or hesitations get in the way. In many instances, these kinds of people are able to gain the glorification of people across the world. Very rarely are true introverts and feelers celebrated as much as the charismatic and loved extroverts. There are of course many exceptions, but as a whole, I believe that society favors these kinds of people. 

For instance, take Kim Kardashian. She is a very influential extrovert who much of society idolizes and celebrates. She is undoubtedly looked and favored upon because of her charismatic and sociable behavior, and it is only because of this kind of personality that she is favored throughout society.

A true leader is one who can see all the differences in his or her group to see all of their personality types. It is only in understanding each of these differences that one is able to utilize their group to their fullest potential. If they are able to see all the strengths and weaknesses and understand how each group member balances out the other, then the group becomes a cohesive and truly effective team. It is only by understanding their group members that leaders are able to be in that leadership role. 


  1. Hey Nick! I liked reading through your post because we have such opposing viewpoints regarding the MBTI. It's cool that you think about how complex people are and how we can't be described by a test. What would the test look like if you could change it at all to accommodate your beliefs?
    Also, loved your comments on Kim K. She's da bomb.
    Hope you had an awesome weekend and I'll see you in a couple hours to work on our group project!

  2. What's up Nick! It was a pleasure meeting you yesterday as we got together for our group project. I totally agree with what you're saying about charismatic and extraverted people. Many introverts do not get the credit that they deserve, mainly because they do not go out and mingle with other people as much as extraverts. I believe this should change. I know many introverts who have splendid ideas and charisma, but they are sometimes not given the chance to present it. I'll see you soon!

  3. Hey Nick! I really like your take on what true leadership is and how you refused to accept that these test indicators were definitive of who we are. I also think you make a great point about who introverts really are and why society should begin thinking differently about them. The way you defined true leadership at the end was definitely strong and true to what you believed in. Great ideas!

  4. I definitely agree with what you said about groups needing all types of people to succeed. Also, I see what you are saying about introverts and feelers sometimes being overlooked, but I do think society is changing. Groups and companies are beginning to see the extreme value in people that think differently and consider situations in a different manner. Great post!
