Sunday, February 1, 2015

Values and Congruence 101 with Timon and Pumbaa

Now, when you watch this video, you may start to think, "Wow, why is he showing me this dumb clip from a movie I used to watch when I was a kid." However, this scene is one of the most powerful and influential videos that I have ever witnessed. This video clip connects especially to me because friendship and integrity are some of my most valued traits. During the exercise in class the other day, we did an activity where we enumerated some of most valued people, traits, and experiences, and eventually, we weeded out the ones that we did not deem worthy enough. When it came down the last three valuables, my top two were my two things that I believe and treasure the most: friendship and honor. In the video, Timon and Pumbaa, stars in Disney's "The Lion King," define and exemplify the ultimate friendship based on trust, experience, and love for one another. Their bond emerges as the two grow with one another and become true friends. My belief is that friends are some of the most treasured of all beings during one's lifetime. Also, as I stated in my introductory blog, I think that friends are the family that you can choose--the ones that support people during times of uncertainty and are loyal during times of distress. Timon and Pumbaa's bond is such of a closely knit family. Also, it shows the value of honor. For me, honor, as in family honor and pride in one's self, is something that the two characters definitely did not lack on. They showed honor as they took in a complete stranger because he had been exiled or removed from his home, and by nurturing the growing friendship, they begin to take pride and honor in their relationships with one another. They were like a cohesive family.
This video especially rings true to me because I personally believe that friendships are essential and absolutely necessary to surviving the peril that we call "life." I truly enjoy this video because it also represents the loving, and deep connection between the two because they have chosen to be much more than just each other's friends, but as having great pride in their friendship.
I feel very connected to my selected clip because "The Lion King" is one of my favorite childhood movies. I have always loved this film, and by loving the movie, I knew immediately which clip I wanted to use. Also it portrays many values and morals that I have throughout the film and allude to many lessons that I too try to exemplify. Also, the clip represents those who we all love and what each individual will do to protect that relationship.
In order to ensure that the meaning portrayed in "The Lion King," I try to live by their example. They show the true essence of a friendship and what it takes to be content and happy with that friend. Each and every day I try to build stronger friendships with each of my friends to build stronger bonds between us. I try to live the lifestyle that has been portrayed thanks to Timon and Pumbaa's example of an incredible friendship. My hope is that by working with congruence to the value I place on friendships and strong bonds with those who one cares about, more people with treasurer and love there relationships just as much as I do.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Nick!
    Hakuna Matata is not a dumb clip! Possibly one of my favorite feel good disney songs of all time. When it came down to it, friends were are also one of my last three values and after reading your post, this helps me reaffirms my belief even more. What you said about "friends are the family that you can choose", I really believe in this as well. I also highly respect your value of honor. It is very apparent that you try to live the lifestyle of Timon and Pumbaa.
    I like how you were able to take your values, make a connection with a great media reference and then expand further on these ideas.
    Sweet as mate!
