Sunday, February 22, 2015


The key to being an effective and influential leader with any individual or group of individuals is communication. This is extremely necessary to be ensure that you are leading people and guiding them to reach a goal and outcome that is desired. Personally, my methods of communicating with an individual do not differ from my methods of communicating with a group. This is because I feel that one directly affects the way of communicating with another, so personally, if I can communicate with an individual, then I can communicate with a group and vice-versa. Although no being the most effective communicator, I do believe that I communicate well, and that it is not something that I lack.

My Top 5 Ways of Communicating with Individuals/Groups:

  1. Tone. The way that you present something to others is so important to how it will be received. If you talk about something in a condescending tone or a way that makes your idea appear to be superior to others, then it will not be received well. One technique that I attempt to always do when I communicate with others is to say use a tone that is warm, polite, and respectful. After doing this, I am often received with praise, constructive criticism, or I am given a response that has a similar tone. I find that if I talk to someone in a way that I like to be spoken to, then this ultimately leads to a better way of communication with a group or an individual.
  2. Constructive Criticism. Now, as leaders, one of the hardest things that we are forced to do is at times, point out an individual's or group's flaws or downfalls. One thing that I have found to be extremely effective is constructive criticism. While we all have flaws, having someone simply point them out really just makes us feel about ourselves. However, I have realized that while pointing out areas of improvement, if a leader also gives ways of improving this quality or other ideas that could make your strengths even stronger, then ultimately, the individual or group becomes aware of this area of improvement, yet also sees tangible ways that they can improve, 
  3. Positive Reinforcement. One of the most effective communication techniques that I have seen is positive reinforcement. For me personally, I know that I always perform better once I get acknowledgment from another of the quality of my work (maybe this is me just wanting to boost my ego a little, but who knows really). So, positive reinforcement is something that I have always tried to incorporate whenever I find myself working with others. I find that if you give a little compliment on another's work or show recognition of a characteristic you admire in another, this will ultimately lead to better leadership in the end. Positive reinforcement not only allows a person to communicate recognition of the skills of another person, but it also allows for a better relationship between leader and the individual in the end.
  4. Respect. Respecting others is key to communicating well with others. If you treat another with respect, usually they will do the same for you. So, by communicating with respect is essential to communicating well with an individual or group. It allows one to say all the strengths and the areas that need improvement of a body, while doing so in a manner that a person will understand and be able to grow from.
  5. Example. I include "example" as a method of communication because it allows a leader to be a model for others to follow without directly telling others what they need to do. If one leads by example, then there is not always the need for them to tell others what needs to be done or what one should strive to be like. Leading by example is a way of indirect communication between leader and audience that, in my opinion, is just as effective as any other method of communication.
If a leader can follow each of these methods of communication, I am confident that they are truly an effective leader. Communication is key, and while there may not be methods of communication that work for everyone, there are definitely always methods of communication that fit each type of leadership style. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nick!
    I think many of us approached the prompt by creating a distinction between individual/group, but I think it's really cool that you have the same sort of techniques for both. This consistency represents how closely you hold the importance of these tips and of communication in general- which I respect a lot!
