Saturday, January 10, 2015

Who Are You?

Who are you? We all seem to be looking for the answer to this question in some way, shape, or form. The most basic question, yet we feel totally lost when asked this question. Who are you? Often times, even in things as formal as a college application, this question always seems to appear, and it is hard for all of us to tell others who we are with no other context as to what they are specifically asking. Who are you? Well honestly, I know just as much about my self as all of you are about to find out. I'm still looking for the answer to this question, but here are some things about myself that I know help me answer this question: Who are you?
Asian American. Now, obviously you can all tell I'm Asian, but the color of my skin or the slant of my eyes has nothing to do with the fact that being Asian has had a huge impact. Not only do I love pretty much all Asian food, including the weird dishes that everyone thinks are gross, but Asian culture has always been a huge place in my life. The traditions, holidays, beliefs--I've experienced it all and I love everything about it. Now some make fun of "Asian parents," but honestly, I could not think of better people to be raised by. Being raised in an Asian household, you learn a lot about morals, values, and most importantly, family pride. I would not trade being Asian American for anything!
Friends. Friendships are number one for me. I value friends above all else because these are people who do not share the same blood as you, yet they protect you and have your back as if they were kin. Friends are the family you can choose, and that's why I value my friendships above all else. True friends are irreplaceable. 
Now there's nothing much else I know about myself aside from a coupe other things. I love playing basketball and volleyball. I smile and laugh a lot. Overall, I'm just one who likes to live life to its fullest. This is who I think I am, now who are you?

Attached is a picture of one of my favorite quotes. Although a little dark, it's something I never forget. See if it has any meaning for you!


  1. Terry Pratchett's great! My favorite quote by him is “Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day, but set fire to him and he's warm for the rest of his life.”

  2. Nick, thanks for your introduction and I appreciate you going with your interpretation of the question of what made sense for you - that's exactly what I hope this class will provide you formats to do. The statement you made above, that "Friends are the family you can choose..." is one that resonates so strongly with me. As someone who has lived all over the country and currently without any family nearby, I wholeheartedly agree with you that true friends are irreplaceable, just like families can be. Looking forward to getting to know you more over the course of the quarter!
